Welcome to Spiffworld!I make videos for Jonathan Coulton (or Paul & Storm or Mark Aaron James) songs using images from World of Warcraft. Please feel free to explore my site and contact me if you have any questions.(2011) Well, it was a good run, but I'm done making videos. I've been making these videos for about five years and had a blast doing it, but like any hobby, my interest has finally drifted to other things and the likelihood of me making another one is very slim. Making these videos has been an incredible experience. They got me invited to Blizzcon by Blizzard itself, where I eventually even got as high as second place in their video contest. They introduced me to some great people, and they were a lot of fun to make for a lot of years. Back in 2006, for no particular reason on a boring Saturday morning, I decided to see if I could make an animated video like I'd seen others do. Turns out I could, and I'm glad I did. My Last Video"Aquaman's Lament", posted Oct. 26, 2010. You can find all of my videos on my YouTube channel.